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           Taking the informa�on outlined take notes on how to use these ideas in your own brand. Make a plan of
           content type, �mes, places and groups to reach out to. Remember to always keep your audience in mind
           when crea�ng and pos�ng content. Think about who your audience specify is and create what you
           would want to see if you were them. Building a large following brand won’t happen overnight but using
           this strategy outline rinse and repeat over the next year and watch your personal brand start to take

           form. 4th Street Consul�ng was created with the smaller personal brands in mind. We turn a dream or a
           concept into reality, thanks to the first-hand experience around some of today's top influencer's, with a
           focus on smaller brands we understand the complex challenges that smaller personal brands face and
           we know how to solve them in the most efficient way possible.

           4th Street Consul�ng believes that with the right knowledge anyone can build their own personal brand
           into an industry leading social influencer. Unlike social marke�ng companies and other consultants, we
           don’twant to create your content, take over your accounts or post for you. We deep dive into all your
           social media accounts and create an overview plan for each pla�orm for you to create your own content
           around. On 4th Street, we want to teach you how to create a suitable year to year content schedule for
           a frac�on of the cost while maintaining a commi�ed focus on quality customer service

           Email us today 4thstreetconsul� to set up a free consulta�on.
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