Page 6 - HD eBook
P. 6


           Who are you crea�ng content for? The more accurately you answer that ques�on the be�er your
           content will be. Always keep your target audience in mind and create what you would want to see if you
           were in their shoes. Take out a piece of paper draw a line down the middle on the le�-hand side right
           out ten problems your audience face’s in fitness.

           Now on the other half of the paper right out ten solu�ons to that problem. You have content for the
           next ten days. A�er that ten days rinse and repeat the process. A�er some �me, you can reuse the same
           ten problems just reword and make new content around the same idea.

           Three Ideas of how to structure your post

           People wake up roll out of bed and within the first hour check their social media. Being in the fitness
           space this is a perfect �me to post the daily workout. If you’re a good personal trainer you can write a
           workout every day of the week. Treat your IG audience like your client. Post a daily workout with the
           text on a photo it’s easy to save for later or even screen shot and send to a friend. People work out at all
           different �mes of the day.Pos�ng the daily workout first thing in the morning assures everyone has it
           regardless of when they workout.

           Another post should be about your own fitness journey this is the document part of it, some people this
           comes easy and others not so much because they are shy or think who cares. Things such as your
           workouts, your meals, favorite low calorie recipes or shakes are perfect things to share that add value to
           others. As your building a personal brand and pu�ng out great content the documenta�on is something
           people like to follow, hence the “follow” bu�on, and just imagine if you could go back and watch the
           first day of training for Arnold.

           Your third post should educate.
           Training, diet, meal prep �ps are
           perfect. Something as simple as the
           difference between hammer curls and
           concentra�on curlsseems common
           knowledge to you,but others it seems
           like a foreign language.
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