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Your First Thousand Followers

           Presented by 4th Street

           Missing from the market today is the media company that wants to start and grow with you from day
           one ifyou’re just star�ng to think about building a personal brand.

           In today’s social media-heavy climate, 4th Street Consul�ng is your guide to star�ng and growing a
           unique personal brand. 4th Street Consul�ng knows how to get the most out of your social media
           channel through interac�on, growth, and most importantly placing your brand in front of your target
           consumer. This short to the point EBook will help you create and launch your online fitness brand threw
           Instagram. This book is solely for the newcomers who are either at “day one” on social media or have
           been for a while but want to start their own fitness brand and start trea�ng Instagram like a business.
           We will cover everything from profile, content crea�on, pos�ng �mings and much more.

           A�er learning from some of the top fitness influencers in social media and running our own social media
           consul�ng company we fell in love with the startup side of branding. With the knowledge of the startup
           we felt it was necessary to bring you an easy to use start up script that will help you start that fitness
           brand you’ve always dreamed of.

           Starting Out

           Crea�ng an Instagram persistence won’t happen overnight no one understands that more than fitness
           professionals. You can’t lose 50 pounds over night just like you won’t gain 500 followers this week. Just
           like fitness this will take daily dedica�on and work. You understand that and are ready to dedicate your
           �me and energy into growing your brand. Star�ng out your journey take a few moments to think about
           why you’re crea�ng this brand and what the end goal is. Do you want to become a sponsored athlete/
           influencer, do you want to build an online business or whatever the case may be make sure you have an
           idea of what the goal looks like and clearly lay it out.

           Iden�fy what makes your unique. There are a lot of fitness profiles on Instagram so finding a sub
           category is important. Maybe your focus is on home workout, mothers trying to lose pregnancy weight,
           old school era training. Make sure to outline whatever your unique thing is along with your goal in mind
           when you’re crea�ng your content and hashtags. Keep asking yourself these two ques�ons. Who is my
           target audience? How do I speak to them?

           With the end goal and category in mind it’s �me to start your journey. Let’s start with your profile.
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