Page 4 - HD eBook
P. 4
Profile (bio)
Link (must have)
Instagram allows for a link at the bo�om of your profile sec�on. Add your personal website, your
product, or your upcoming event. If you don’t have any add your Facebook/YouTube give people
another source to see you in another light i.e. Video- YouTube Word-Blog Resume-LinkedIn. You can
create a free blog where you post healthy recipes or post a free four-week fitness program for people to
Up Coming Events
Say you’re a part of a training group or you’ll be hos�ng a free workout in the park. People o�en make
the mistake of making a post about the event which is great but if you post that then later that week
add three post of you and your dog and your wedge salad a�er that, unless I clicked on your profile at
the perfect �me I’ll never see your one post about the free yoga class your offering in the park on
Sunday. Now IG’s new “all caught up” feature does help that but adding a few reminders in your
Instagram story throughout the week is a subtle way to keep adver�sing without spamming your feed.
Maybe a Quote
So you have a few spaces le� over in your info what to add? Maybe a quote your quote about life or a
bible verse you reflect back on. Its short and powerful and if carefully chosen the thing that makes me
hit the follow bu�on.