Page 7 - HD eBook
P. 7

Outside Scale Commenting

           and Reposting

           A great way to expand your audience and also create rela�onships with other brands (and maybe one
           day sponsors) is to add value to their post in the form of comments. Commen�ng alone is one thing but
           adding value in a comment is what we are aiming for. Let’s say you’re following a big fitness influencer
           and they make a post about what types of protein they use every day.

           Commen�ng something like “nice!” will get you a liked comment or maybe even thumbs up emoji back.
           But adding a comment acknowledging their thought behind it and adding your opinion or a ques�on
           about why they chose whey protein vs. casein could invoke a conversa�on and them checking out your
           page and maybe even a follow.

           Now take it a step further and maybe click on their profile
           link read their blog post about fas�ng and �e that into your
           comment showing that you’re not just a spam account
           fishing in the comments sec�on but you are actually

           To start do this 2-3 �mes a day for the next month and as you
           con�nue to grow do it more and more.

           Pos�ng on your Instagram to o�en can hinder you but going
           out and commen�ng on 20 different profiles in one day

           won’t. Now while it may take �me it will only add value to
           others and in turn help you grow.

           If stuck for ideas about what to post on any given day
           repos�ng someone else’s post from that day is an easy
           op�on that will s�ll pay off for you. Repost the picture keep
           their ini�al cap�on and add your own. Add something to
           compliment what they said add your own spin on it and tell
           people they need to follow that account. That not only adds
           value to your viewers but again builds that rela�onship with
           other influencers.
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