Page 5 - HD eBook
P. 5
Content ( Timing / Creation )
In a perfect world you want to shoot for at least 3 posts a day. That can be a lot for some people and
seem overwhelming. To start post once a day and work up to three, you’ll see over �me it will get easier.
Now with your target in mind think about the �ming of your post. The most commonly effec�ve is
(breakfast, lunch and dinner). Think about common �mes people check their phones when they wake
up, lunch break, at night on the couch watching TV and gear your pos�ng �mes around that. Pos�ng a
meal with the recipe around diner �me is a great example and valuable content for someone trying to
decide what to eat.
Timing is something you can overlook or even over think. I know that contradicts but think about this if
you live in NYC and post in the morning at say 7am the bulk of your morning audience will see it but if
you have followers in Cali its only 4am there and most of them are asleep. While Instagram’s new “all
caught up” algorithm helps that, it’s s�ll something to consider when trying to add new followers in
different �me zones.
Think about �ming of events as well. Google the top 15 fitness expos/events in the world and keep
those and the local �me in mind and try and create content related to that.
If you’re in the fitness space the biggest event of the year is the Arnold Sports Fes�val in Columbus,
Ohio. Instagram allows you to add your loca�on which opens you up to an all-new crowd. Even if you’re
in Cali and can’t make it to Ohio, you can tag the Arnold at the right �me of day matched with the local
�me in Columbus. Pos�ng a picture of Arnold with a Arnold inspired workout of the day is fine way to
sneak into the post from a trending event organically while s�ll adding value.
With the loca�on tagging feature in mind google the top 10 places
in your city or state. Take cool photos or videos at these
spots and tag them. This will help grow your local following
and maybe even land you more personal clients.
If you live in New York city you can go to central park take
a video or some pictures of you doing a workout in the
park, Tag the park on the post and post the workout
with it, people in the local area will see it and maybe
even try or share it.