Page 3 - HD eBook
P. 3
Profile (bio)
The order you put them in tells a lot (can I relate to you?)
Write down the top 3-5 most important thing to you. What you think of yourself. These are the three
bullet points to have in your bio (father, mother of 4, Man of God, Business owner, Veteran, Bodybuilder,
Etc.) Now the order you put them in 1-3 tells a lot about you. It tells them if they can relate to youthe
order in which you list them in subconsciously iden�fies order of importance of these things to you.
Loca�on can be important if you’re trying to find local clients to train. If someone stumbles upon your
account and likes what they see they can easily see you’re located in the same city and reach out to you.
Photo Must be Relevant to you and your brand/ topic
Your photo should relate to you and your message or your brand. A bodybuilder a picture of you
compe�ng when people click on your profile your picture should tell them what you are about and what
they can get from your Instagram. If your brand is dad bods or mom life make it a picture of you and
your kids playing.
Emoji’s (there fun everyone loves them)
Maybe we don’t actually use bullet points but emoji’s instead if you’re a student at Blah Blah University
use the nerdy face emoji or the pen to paper one. You’re an athlete use the ball of the sport. Mother a
heart or maybe the mom holding her child’s hand emoji. Find a fun way to add them in but don’t add
too many in a row that makes it look bulky and spam. Again, think with your target audience in mind.
Happy Always Happy
Your info always needs to be happy or at least posi�ve. Nothing nega�ve or controversial. Yes you can
add your poli�cal party if that’s part of your brand but don’t put in there any bashing of another
candidate because even if people agree with it they won’t follow nega�vity it just doesn’t look good.
You can get into harder topic in your IG post or on your blog. Leave your profile professional and upbeat.
Never Bulky
No run on sentences unless it’s a quote. If someone looks at your bio and it’s a paragraph they leave,
your buying their a�en�on this is your one shot in your info so rules of thumb
Easy on the eyes Fast to read Quick to understand