Page 153 - TRWRR 6-8-2017_Neat
P. 153

The Red Well-Read Reader

                                                                                                       Story 260
                                                                                              Ruling The Throne

        King Tyrone III so loved the smell of cologne that he asked  Princess Sharoa n to

        help him rule the throne.  Happily they lived on the river Rhone in a castle built of


        All about the castle zone min•strels played the trombone and the saxophone.  On
        oc•ca•sion, the king would intone a tune in baritone.

        The King was prone to leave his guards alone; however, he did in•sist that they

        keep their muscles in tone, for which the Throne gave them each a daily ice cream


                                                                                                       Story 261

                                              He Prays for Moral Soap

        The Pope, who is filled with hope, prays daily on his beaded rope.  His prayers
        cover a large scope.

        First and foremost he prays for the mis•an•thrope.  He prays for boys and girls

        who can hardly cope, and for those who in darkness grope.  He prays for the

        dis•o•be•di•ent who have chosen to elope, and for the self-pitying who do nothing

        but mope.

        Last, but certainly not least, he prays for those hooked on dope, whose lives have

        taken a downward slope.

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