Page 414 - Onboarding May 2017
P. 414

Menu/Campaign brief & Product
                                                                                        Brand                   C51-Brand prepares a menu/campaign brief & product matrix   Matrix (Applebee's)
                                                                     BP 370  Promotion Initiation  R3-Continuity of supply  R9       Periodic  Preventive  P1
                                                                                        Management              (Applebee's) and LTO brief (IHOP)
                                                                                                                                                         LTO Brief (IHOP)
                                                                                                                                                         For Applebee's:
                                                                                                                                                         Brand Forecast Spreadsheet
                                                                                                                                                         Star Chef
                                                                                                                                                         Menu Maker Report
                                                                                                                C52- For Applebee's, Brand Finance publishes a forecast for
                                                                                        Brand                   promotion/menu, optional and deletes come from Menu Maker.    For IHOP:
                                                                     BP 380  Promotion Forecasting Including Yields  R19-Incorrect information and data  R9  Periodic  Preventive  P1
                                                                                        Management              Yields are warehoused in Star Chef. For IHOP, forecast (including   Forecast (email) - public drive.
                                                                                                                yield assumptions) is  supplied by Brand via E-mail.   W:\Shared Dine\Shared
                                                               Promotion / LTO                                                                           CSCS\ALL\Glendale
                                                               / Product                                                                                 Recipe (email) - public drive.
                                                               Features                                                                                  W:\Shared Dine\Shared
                                                                     BP 390  Promotion Demand Planning  R3-Continuity of supply  R9  C34-Carefully construct and review Demand Plan.  Periodic  Preventive  P1  Demand Plan
                                                                     BP 400  Promotion Execution & Management  Brand   R3-Continuity of supply  R9  C18-CSCS initiates authorization for inventory purchase policy   Periodic  Preventive  P1  AIPs
                                                                                                                (AIP). In order to begin production, CSCS, brands, and Board
                                                                                                                Chairs must agree to sign
                                                                                        Brand   R3-Continuity of supply  R18, R23,   C13-Monitoring key, high-risk, and high-value inventory through   Inventory Scorecard/Workbook,
                                                                     BP 410  Promotion Inventory Management                          Periodic      P1
                                                                                        Management  R15-Obsolete Inventory  R24  Inventory Scorecard/Workbook, Obsolete Inventory workbook  Obsolete Inventory workbook
                                                                                                                                                         Obsolete Inventory Workbook
                                                                                                                C15-CSCS holds joint and collaborative discussions with Brand   Meeting minutes and
                                                                                                                Marketing, Business Analytics and supplier to determine a solution.
                                                                                        Brand                   QA consulted as required.  Detective     correspondence between CSCS
                                                                     BP 420  Promotion Obsolete Inventory Resolution  R18-1-Unfavorable impacts on cost of goods sold  R23, R24  Periodic  P1  and Business Analytics (IHOP)
                                                                                        Management                                        Corrective
                                                                                                                C18-Seeking approval from Brands through Authorization for   AIPs
                                                                                                                Inventory Purchase (AIP) if exceeding threshold in AIP.
                                                                                                                                                         Emails and database for invoices
                                                                                             See relevant risks below: menu demand planning,
                                                                     BP 430  Menu Implementation Overview  menu execution & management, and menu   See relevant controls below  See relevant details below  See evidence below
                                                                                        Management  inventory management
                                                                                                                C12-Risk Assessment Form (Both Brands)
                                                                                                                C2-Managing relationship and contractual obligations with suppliers
                                                                                        Brand                   through period review of  the Supplier Services Agreement (SSA)
                                                                     BP 440  Menu Planning   R3-Continuity of supply  R9             Continuous  Preventive  P1  SSA-A
                                                                                                                C3-Managing relationship and contractual obligations with suppliers   Risk Assessment Form
                                                                                                                through period review of  the Supplier Services Agreement
                                                                                                                Addendum (SSA-A) & Business Terms
                                                                     BP 450  Menu Initiation  Procurement  R3-Continuity of supply  R9  C51-Brief and Product Matrix  Continuous  Preventive  P1  Brief and Product Matrix
                                                                                                                                                         Brand Forecast Spreadsheet
                                                                                        Brand                   C7-CSCS engages brands and QA in this process. CSCS does not
                                                                     BP 460  Menu Forecasting Including Yields  R19-Incorrect information and data  R9, R18  Continuous  Preventive  P1  Star Chef
                                                                                        Management              move forward without forecast and yields
                                                               Menu                                                                                      Menu Maker Report (Applebee's)
                                                                     BP 470  Menu Demand Planning  R3-Continuity of supply  R9, R18  C34-Carefully construct and review Demand Plan  Continuous  Preventive  P1  Demand Plan
                                                                                                                C18-CSCS initiates authorization for inventory purchase policy
                                                                     BP 480  Menu Execution & Management  Brand   R3-Continuity of supply  R9, R18  (AIP). In order to begin production, CSCS, brands, and Board   Continuous  Preventive  P1  AIPs
                                                                                                                Chairs must agree to sign
                                                                                        Brand   R3-Continuity of supply  R18, R23,   C13-Monitoring key, high-risk, and high-value inventory through   Inventory Scorecard/Workbook,
                                                                     BP 490  Menu Inventory Management                               Continuous    P1
                                                                                        Management  R15-Obsolete Inventory  R24  Inventory Scorecard/Workbook   Obsolete Inventory workbook
                                                                                                                                                         Obsolete Inventory Workbook
                                                                                                                C15-CSCS holds joint and collaborative discussions with Brand   Meeting minutes and
                                                                                                                Marketing, Business Analytics, QA and supplier to determine a
                                                                        Menu Obsolete Inventory and Incremental Expense   Brand   solution. QA consulted as required.  Detective  correspondence between CSCS
                                                                     BP 500                  R18-1-Unfavorable impacts on cost of goods sold  R23, R24  Continuous  P1  and Business Analytics (IHOP)
                                                                        Resolution      Management                                        Corrective
                                                                                                                C18-Seeking approval from Brands through Authorization for   AIPs
                                                                                                                Inventory Purchase (AIP) if exceeding threshold in AIP.
                                                                                                                                                         Emails and database for invoices
                                                                                                                                          Control Characteristics
                                                               Business Process   BP ID  Business Process Name  CSCS   Primary Risk (s)  Secondary   CONTROL ACTIVITY (IES)  Control Frequency   Control   Primary 1 (P1 - Critical Control),   EVIDENCE OF CONTROL
                                                               Category                 Business Unit       Risk (s)                (continuous, daily,   Nature  Primary 2 (P2 - Significant Control),
                                                                                                                                    monthly, periodic)  Secondary (S)
                                                                                             R1-Ineligible supplier or distributor who does not   C5-Screening for eligible distributor by reviewing responses from   RFI Documents
                                                                                             meet CSCS and DineEquity's standards and   Request for Information (RFI) process
                                                                                             qualifications                                              RFP Documents
                                                                                                                C6-Selecting eligible distributor based on reviewing responses from
                                                                     BP130   Distributor Selection / Approval  Logistics  R3-Continuity of Supply  R9  Periodic  Preventive  P1
                                                                                                                Request for Proposal (RFP) process       Distributor Approval Process
                                                                                                                                                         Guidelines (enclosed in RFP)
                                                                                             R4-Food Safety
                                                                                                                C7-CSCS engages QA in the selection process. CSCS does not
                                                                                                                move forward with final contracting without QA approval  QA's Approval Letter
                                                                                             R5-Compromised product quality
                                                                                                                                                         Distributor Approval Process
                                                                                                                C7-CSCS engages QA in this  process. CSCS does not move   Guidelines (enclosed in RFP)
                                                                     BP 140  Facility Approval  Logistics  R4-Food Safety  R3, R5    Periodic  Preventive  P1
                                                                                                                forward with final contracting without QA approval
                                                                                                                                                         Email Approval from QA
                                                                                             R3-Continuity of supply                 Continuous  Preventive  P1  Distributor Services Agreement
                                                                                                                C4-Managing relationship and contractual obligations with
                                                                                                                distributors through period review of  the Distributor Services
                                                                                                                Agreement (DSA) and C53-Market Distribution Agreement (MDA).  Reports of issues and resolutions
                                                                                             R4-Food Safety                          Continuous  Detective  P1  from CSCS to QA
                                                                     BP 180  Distributor Performance Management  Logistics  R15, R16,   C14-CSCS communicates issues to DineEquity QA and provides a
                                                                                                            R17, R18
                                                                                                                report of issues and resolution
                                                                                                                                                         Monthly reports from distributors
                                                                                             R5-Compromised product quality  C15-CSCS holds joint and collaborative discussions with QA and   Continuous  Corrective  P1  to CSCS
                                                                                                                distributors to determine a solution
                                                                                                                                                         Market Distribution Agreement
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