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          ルクスワーゲンは1970年代に業務を撤退した後、ケニアの工場を再オープンする関心を示している。しかし、ケニア自動車工業会の会長である、Rita Kavashe
                                               Kenya Showing Positive Signs for Automotive Investment
                                               Kenya is focusing more on its automotive industry due to the country's
                                               annual economic growth of 6% driven by its demand for cars. The Kenyan
                                               automotive sector currently produces assembled trucks, pick-ups and
                                               buses by importing parts and production supplies from other countries. To
                                               strengthen this sector and attract further investment, the Kenyan
                                               government launched an offering to remove excise duty after sales of
                                               locally assembled cars decreased by 30% in first half of 2016 due to the
                                               introduction of excise tax.  There has been positive feedback and
                                               Volkswagen has shown an interest to re-open its factory in Kenya after
                                               withdrawing operations in 1970s. However, Rita Kavashe, the chairwoman
                                               of the Kenya Vehicle Manufacturers Association stated that the government
                                               should take further actions to support growth by reducing the cost of
                                               electricity supply for manufacturers and improving efficiency at the
                                               Mombasa port which is an important trading portal as well as creating
                                               confidence for investors in politics reassuring Kenya’s election next year.

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          UK - 電気自動車(EV)約10-11月興味深い傾向に開催されたエネルギーサミットの将来のコンサルタントマッキンゼー・アンド・カンパニーとブルームバー

                                               EVs will Roam Wealthy Cities in Next 14 Years
                                               UK - In the Future of Energy Summit held during 10-11 October interesting
                                               trends about Electric Vehicles (EVs) were reported by consultants
                                               McKinsey & Co. and Bloomberg New Energy Finance. Reports indicated
                                               current investment trends from large car developers such as Volkswagen
                                               and Mercedes-Benz with a focus on EV development with motivation from
                                               concerns over greenhouse effects and carbon-emission tax. The cost of
                                               production and technologies for EVs are decreasing rapidly providing
                                               higher purchasing power and increasing interest of global populations will
                                               support EVs entering the main vehicle market. The report predicted that in
                                               2030, EVs will represent as much as 60% of vehicles on the road in
                                               densely populated high-income cities like London and Singapore.
                                               However, the arrival of EVs will change some fundamentals in market
                                               structure and new measures are needed to cope with this change.

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