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Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated
Montgomery (AL) Alumnae Chapter
December 2019 Volume 46 Issue 4
Message from President Brown
Greetings Sorors!
I would like to THANK YOU personally for the work done so far this year! We
have certainly provided action-packed and education-filled opportunities to the
River Region. We have also focused on our self-care. I consider the Montgomery
(AL) Alumnae Chapter very fortunate to have the level of talent, creativity and Inside The
servant leaders that we have in our membership. Again, THANK YOU for blessing Torch
the chapter and the community.
Chaplain’s Corner 3
Spotlight on Sorors 4
To continue our position of prominence in the community we must continue to
do what we do to sustain our resources. The Fundraising Committee has worked Economic 5
very hard to plan and execute A Crimson and Cream Affair, our annual fundrais-
ing to set the tone for the Holiday Season! This year’s event has the Harlem Physical & Mental 6-7
Nights theme--let’s have fun with it while we party with the purpose of sup-
porting our chapter’s ability to give back. After all it is the giving season. A #DELTACARE
Crimson and Cream Affair will be held from 8:00 PM until midnight at the Alcazar Arts & Letters 8-9
Temple on December 7, 2019. Sorors, please review the Sorority’s Alcohol and Signature Programs 10-11
Illegal Drug Policy and adhere to the requirements.
Founders Day 12
The Membership Services and other committees are working hard to keep the Courtesies 13
JOY in our Sisterhood! Thanks to all the sorors, family and friends that supported
Birthdays 14
the MAC-inee, Harriet. We sold out two theaters and thoroughly enjoyed the
movie. Thanks to the coordination of the Arts and Letters Committee. We Mark Your Calendar 15-16
should all be purchasing tickets to the next event, Just Mercy.
The Membership Services Committee is preparing for the Holiday Mixer that will
be held on Friday, December 13, 2019 at the Fortitude Building. Put on your holi- Special Points
day gear, warm-spirit and cheerful attitude and come out and mingle with the of Interest:
chapter members during our special time together. There will be singing (for
some), games and fellowship. I look forward to the fun-filled evening! Be on the A&L MAC-inee
lookout for the new Sister Circles to begin 2020. This will be yet another way to Founders Day
get to know members and share sisterly experiences.
Sorors in the
Please do not miss the opportunity to register for Founders Day 2020. Online Spotlight
registration for the Founders Day luncheon closes on December 17, 2019. The