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                                                                                                December 2020


                                          Grays Peak is the
        Bottom                          highest point on the    surviving major natural disasters,
                                                                and weathering an unpredictable
                                                                and turbulent economy. We can’t
                                        Continental Divide.
        Line                            For those that actually   always know which obstacles
                                                                are waiting for us on life’s journey,
                                        make it to the summit,
                                        the spectacular view    both personally and professionally,
        at 14,278' gives good reason to stop and soak in the    but we can expect they will
        accomplishment, celebrating the amount of planning and   happen. We also have the ability
        effort it requires.                                     to overcome them, together, with
          Our very own team member, Jason Mosakowski            a spirit of perseverance, moving
        and his wife Jane, climbed Grays Peak this past July,   forward toward our goals.
        summiting the steep south face. The significance of this   Jason shared that, in the weeks leading up to the
        accomplishment for them is not just climbing the tallest   summit at Grays Peak, he couldn't help but think about
        mountain on the Continental Divide, but completing the   how making it to the highest point of all three trails
        Triple Crown of hiking. They fulfilled their dream of hiking   compares to the Gray spirit of always pushing to be the
        the Appalachian Trail (2006), Pacific Crest Trail (2012),   top in our industry. He reminds us that “you cannot reach
        and the Continental Divide Trail, making it to the northern   the summit without going through the many steps that
        terminus on October 6th. Jason carried a copy of the    lead you there.”
        Graypvine with him for photo opportunities on each trail.  We achieved a new summit this year, despite being in
          If you know Jason, a Project Manager in our Southeast   the face of so much adversity. How’d we do it? One step
        office, he has a warm and caring character, loves the   at a time. And together. We did it with a positive outlook
        outdoors, and has a unique ability to always see things   and comradery. We will keep moving forward, climbing
        with positive intent. He always enforces the Golden Rule   to higher altitudes, but for now, let's stop and soak in the
        and encourages others to chase their dreams. Join me in   accomplishment and celebrate. We’ll talk more about
        congratulating Jason and Jane for their accomplishment:   this celebration and how we were able to achieve these
        hiking over 8,000 miles together! He told me that it wasn’t   tremendous milestones at next week’s Annual Meeting.
        an easy journey, but they kept their goal in mind even   Thanks to a great year, #TeamGray!
        through the challenges. Jason said, “A picture may be
        worth a thousand words, but fulfilling a dream is worth a   Brian Jones
        lifetime of memories.”                                  President & Chief Executive Officer, Gray Construction
          Their accomplishment has some resemblance to
        our journey this year – climbing the trail of pandemic   Please check out stunning photos and more from
        lockdown, marching through the valleys of racial injustice,   Jason's adventure on page 8.

        OUR PURPOSE                              CORE VALUES
        Our purpose is to make a difference in   1.   We put safety and quality of life first.
        people’s lives by creating unforgettable   2.  We are customer and relationship driven.
        customer experiences and great projects.  3.  We treat others the way we want to be treated.
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