Page 2 - Graypvine October 2020
P. 2

Safety & Quality

                                                     with Jim Grant, Vice President, Safety & Field Operations
                                                     and Trey Griffith, Director, Quality

            How Safety and Quality Go Hand in Hand                in improving safety and quality by influencing the culture
            Influencing Risk Tolerance                            on our projects. Here are some influencing factors
              Safety and quality are very closely related in many ways.   when considering risk tolerance that we would like you
            We wanted to take the opportunity to show another     to consider:
            instance of how these systems tie together with the     • Overestimating capability/experience: We see this
            subject of influencing tolerance.                         when we witness someone picking something up by
              One of the major factors with both safety and quality   themselves, when it should be a two-man job. The
            is tolerance. When talking about safety, it is called risk   same with quality, some work requires certifications,
      2     tolerance. For quality it is tolerance of accepting work   as well as licensing depending on the trade. Make
            that does not meet our project documents and industry
                                                                      sure this information is up to date when its required,
            standards. This topic takes us down the path of creating   when this isn’t required make sure we are doing an
            rules and requirements. It reaches out to the importance of   in place mock up to ensure the installer is capable of
            creating a culture on our projects that gets the Foremen,   meeting the project document requirements.
            Lead Supervisors and the craft worker engaged in the    • Complacency or familiarity with a task: especially
            importance of safety and quality and encourages them      among senior workers. Complacency grows as
            to make good, safe, and quality driven decisions. To      someone performs a task unsafely many times
            do this we need to understand what influences people      without injury, but the risk is always there. Concerning
            to take risks or accept non-complaint work. It is not     quality, we hear they, “have done it that way for
            always a personal intention to disregard safety or quality,   years”, but we have the responsibility to ensure it is
            so understanding why a worker decides to accept risk      installed correctly. Look at the contractor’s submittals
            goes to the heart of understanding behavior-based         to see what the manufacturer requires and base your
            decision making.                                          inspections on that along with the specifications.
              While some of our contractors conduct a great deal    • Not understanding the seriousness of the
            of safety training about hazard recognition, they may not   outcome: especially among less experienced
            reinforce the importance of the decision-making process or   workers. They do not have the experience or
            developing their supervisors to understand the importance   knowledge to know what could happen. Often a
            of creating a culture of safety. The reason this culture   decision is made with good intentions much like a
            is so important is it allows people to feel comfortable   sprinkler head that puts out more water, however
            to stay STOP, as we do here at Gray. This is what we      based on the design this could create a big problem.
            need to emphasize in coordination and jobsite wide        Therefore we ask for you to go out to the site
            safety meetings.                                          and make sure things are going in per the project
              Likewise, with quality, our trade partners do have very   documents. The key is to “know before you go!
            experienced and knowable individuals who want to do     • Voluntary actions and being in control: This comes
            the right thing. Unfortunately, at times we find that poor   into play a great deal when no one is around, or
            decisions were made due to outside circumstances or       outside of work. A survey conducted by Caterpillar’s
            solely based on past experiences or lack thereof. Much    industrial employees found that 90 percent of their
            like safety when decisions are made without considering all   injuries occurred off the job.
            of the specific project documents or a lack of knowledge,   • Personal experience with a serious outcome: As
            it ends up as an incident of quality in the form of re-work.   an organization gets safer, you are going to get fewer
            This increases the risk for safety as we are now going back   and fewer people who’ve had a personal experience
            to correct something which the majority of the time will   with a serious outcome, new people won’t
            require some sort of demo.                                understand the lessons of the past. It’s important that
              So, this is our next step in supporting our efforts in   senior workers be helpful in communicating about
            creating the safest and highest quality projects in the   serious incidents to newer workers.
            industry. As leaders of our projects we can have influence   • Personal experience with a serious outcome:
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