Page 3 - Graypvine October 2020
P. 3

Much like above as we get more and more             • Potential profit and gain from action: The same
            comfortable performing pre-construction meetings,     goes for quality on this one. Longer hours per day,
            we will tend to not cover all of the project          at some point, result in rework the next day due to
            documentation that is needed and assume everyone      fatigue-related risks.
            knows. We get comfortable with doing an “audit” and   • Role models accepting risk: Because of personality
            answering the questions without verifying the project   or experience, leaders in a group or organization can
            documents. We have to be diligent in this matter and   have a powerful effect on those around them. It’s
            make sure our yeses are yes, and our no’s are no.     important that we set a good example.
          • Cost of compliance: Not wanting to be financially   • Role models accepting risk: Again, just like safety –
            impacted by buying the proper tool, PPE               if you see it you own it; if you walk past it, you condone
            or equipment.                                         it. With quality, every time you pass something that isn’t
          • Cost of compliance: Using the right tool for the      “right” or looks bad, you have set a new standard, not
            right job will give you the right outcome only when, it   only to the person who installed it, but to everyone on
            is coupled with it being used in the right hands. We   the jobsite who has or will see it.
            talked about training, and competency and that goes   So, how can we influence risk tolerances?
            hand in hand with the right tool for the job. Make   Communication is KEY, we need to give our contractors
            sure everyone knows what compliance is for your   and the worker the tools and teach them how to
            project at the pre-award meeting, again at the pre-  understand risk tolerances, so they can use it on   3
            construction meeting, and make sure they execute it.   and off the job. We need to communicate and have
          • Overconfidence in the equipment: We see this a lot   conversations about risk tolerance at our jobsite wide
            with our forklift incidents and operators exceeding the   safety talks and during safety orientation. Take the time in
            capacity, think the lift will pick up more than can.   your next plan of the day meeting or jobsite coordination
          • Overconfidence in their installation: Therefore we   meeting to talk about quality and your project’s needs
            audit and preform performance testing of products it   and expectations. Make sure you explain to our internal
            the field. Make sure your trades are doing some self-  Gray team the importance of “know before you go!”. You
            evaluation on their work, ask them to audit what’s in   will hear more from us on this phrase, this simply means
            place... is it “good enough for their house?”     before you go look, know and understand your project
          • Potential profit and gain from action: An example:   requirements for safety and quality and what you’re going
            longer working hours that yield bigger paychecks   to review. Our project safety and quality programs are our
            for the worker, but can cause fatigue-related risks.   guide for all we do when it comes to safety and quality.
            We need to evaluate creating incentives to accept   It’s our responsibility to know them and apply them to the
            more risk.                                        project and to share them with our trade partners.

        Safety Statistics                                     Commitment to Safety

        All statistics reported for Gray are cumulative for Calendar Year 2020

                            1     Fatality                                             Lauren Elder
                                                                                       Project Engineer
                            1         (Disabling Accidents)                            1 years, 4 months with Gray
                                            Recordable Accident
                           25               (Off Work, Limited Work,
                                            and No Lost Time)

                  192               71                        "I am committed to uphold
                                                              the safety standards set by
          Near Miss / Property Damage  First Aid / Injury but not recordable
                                                              Gray Construction, and am
        A goal of zero lost time incidents means there is a level of acceptance of other types of
        incidents that do not lead to lost time. When other incidents are accepted, then we increase   willing to do whatever it
        the chance that lost time, and more severe incidents will occur. The triangle graphic above
        is an illustration of this. Gray’s focus is to stop all incidents, by starting at the very bottom of
        the triangle. If we eliminate all incidents, then we eliminate the possibility of the catastrophic   takes to ensure a safe work
        incident. By definition, a lost time incident is an injury event that causes a worker to miss at
        least one day of work. A safety incident is any event that needs to be tracked and recorded   environment."
        regardless of whether medical attention was required or not.
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