Page 22 - The 10 Most Pominent Retail startups in 2019
P. 22

India’s cricket craze brings business for apparel sector

            he millions of die-hard cricket                                       Team India in 1992 World Cup,
        Tfans in India vouch that the                                             is among the fastest selling item,
        concept of loyalty is definitely                                          followed by the caps.
        not over-rated. What is termed as
        cricket madness by some experts                                           Though, it is more convenient to
        is seen as unwavering devotion                                            research and compare prices of
        to the Indian team by                                                     online cricket apparel, this has
        Indians. When an                                                          not affected footfall in brick and
        event like the                                                            mortar stores. Sale in brick and
        Cricket World             Cup                                             mortar stores is also attracting
        begins, what          follows                                             an impressive number of buyers.
        is a herd           of cricket                                            The sale in Tier-I cities in India
        obsessed fans      ready to throw                                         is picking up as the tournament
        myriad of           support to the                                        progresses. According to Nike
        team. The frenzy       means                                              India’s marketing director Avinash
        anything associated      with                                             Pant, “The stores, both online
        cricket gets a higher leverage,                                             and physical, are experiencing
        opening up massive opportunities                                              good traction in key cities
        for companies and translating into                                              like Mumbai, Delhi and
        an overall economic development.                                                  Bangalore. As the
                                                                                           excitement builds up, we
        Commercialised sport has always                                                      expect this traction to
        been an important growth point of                                                    increase even further.”
        a country’s economy. The world
        of bat and ball means a lot to the   immeasurable perks that online       Unlike 2011, when Cricket World
        market. World Cup 2007 incurred      websites offer, fans have been       Cup accessories were limited to
        heavy losses after the Indian        flocking to the sites to grab official   t-shirts, trousers and caps, this
        team made an early exit from the     ICC cricket accessories. Nike,       year’s official sponsors have
        tournament. Not only the official    which is the official sponsor of     introduced seventy-three items
        sponsors, but some other sectors     Team India, has collaborated with    including an array of fashionable
        too were pushed into red. India’s    e-retail giant Myntra to sell World   accessories, like bags, too. “The
        promising start in World Cup 2015    Cup 2015 kit exclusively online.     merchandise went online in
        with its victory over arch-rival     Moreover, it is not only Myntra      January 2015 and sales have picked
        Pakistan marks for a wonderful       that is securing good response,      up from 20 orders a day to 300
        time ahead for apparel sector too.   other online websites like Amazon    orders a day,” said Atul Srivastava
        It is not just the boys that will be   that are selling t-shirts with trophy   managing partner, Gaames
        adorning blue, it will be million    photographs, ICC Cricket World       Unlimited, a Bengaluru-based
        other fans from around the world     Cup logo, etc in different colours,   sports management company.
        sporting the same colour. And,       are also attracting buyers. Official
        as other cricket playing nations     online stores of ICC and ESPN        Fake vs Real
        clamour to be on the same page as    Cricinfo are expecting to earn US    The official Team India caps,
        India, apparel sale says otherwise.  $ 10 million through sale in India,   t-shirts, trousers, etc being sold
        Choice of store                      Australia and New Zealand. These     through Myntra are priced between
                                             stores reported that the gold foil
        Shopping online has become a         print Indian retro t-shirt, worn by   INR 1895 and INR 4995 and are
        norm than an exception today. With                                        a popular item among fans, but
        22                                                                               December 2019
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