Page 24 - The 10 Most Pominent Retail startups in 2019
P. 24
Compare. Buy. Save.
“ A penny
saved is a
penny earned prices for all the products. For
users, they have to just visit the
portal and look for the product
they wish to buy. At a single
a famous quote by Benjamin window prices across all the
Franklin holds true for e-commerce sites are shown and
IndiaShopps, a retail portalborn users can click to continue their
out of one such thought Mitul Mehra purchase,” informs Mitul.
on saving money. With the Founder Being a price comparison portal,
explosion of e-commerce sites, services virtually i.e. through IndiaShopps has helped millions
today people are spoilt for digital media, IndiaShopps is of people to get best price for
choices and options. While in an all-time digital assistant that the product they want to buy
a way it has helped users to get allows users to compare the everyday.
the product they want at best prices of different online
price, on the other hand there Exclusive range of Products at
are so many sites that users tend shopping portals like Flipkart, one Click
to spend lot of time in doing Amazon, Snapdeal, Paytm and Being a price comparison portal,
the search and comparison. many more. IndiaShopps has helped millions
Moreover, there is a cost factor Known to be a one-stop shop of people to get best price for
attached to it. that enables the users to get easy the product they want to buy.
access to their product, with With the motto of Save Money,
This triggered Mitul Mehrato offering excellent deals, coupons Save Time, the portal offers
venture into the retail space. at the best price, IndiaShopps an extensive array of product
“The idea was to use technology has partnered with all the categories like men’s clothing,
and get the users what they leading e-commerce sites like women’s clothing, men’s
want instantly. We also wanted Amazon, Flipkart. “We collate footwear, women’s footwear,
to drive real value to users,” he all their product catalogues electronics, mobiles and
mentions. As a price comparing and then run our comparison tablets,home & decor, kitchen
concept, which provides its algorithms to match the best appliances, home appliances,
24 December 2019