Page 27 - The 10 Most Pominent Retail startups in 2019
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fashion shopping and intuitive       picture and posts them among         manage, edit, & plan outfits.”
        augmented reality for a timeless     friends, family, designers and
        shopping experience. Laid by the     various fashion enthusiasts for      A True Game Changer!
        objective to empower fashion         feedback reviews and suggestions.    Poised to be a game changer in the
        buyers and marketers and solve       Abhitosh speaking on the sidelines   fashion industry, Modestreet aims
        the major concerns and pressing      asserts, “As a community-driven      to reduce the omnichannel gaps
        problems of all times, i.e., sizing,   platform for consumers, we ensure   and improvise on both the in-store
        the company has rolled out its       a personalized experience of         and online shopping experiences.
        flagship product offerings to bring   browsing, discovery, and shopping   Envisioned to inculcate technology
        an end to all such issues from both   to the users as well as act as an   and progress with essential features
        the buyers and the sellers’ side.    Omni-channel shopping aggregator  of AI, image processing and
                                             for both fashion and retail          more, Rohit concludes, “Aiming
        Modestreet’s flagship product is     business.”                           at technological innovations that
        a patented, unique and effective                                          can help retailers understand and
        concept of Augmented Reality and     Further, he avers “We enable the     interact better with the consumers;
        Virtual Fitting Room. It endeavours  users to enhance the experience      we at Modestreet want to live up to
        to address all the sizing concerns   of window shopping on the web        the elevated expectations in a smart
        and                                  through visual detection and virtual  and convenient manner.”
        cart abandonment with further        fitting room. Our multi-channel
        facilities of an offline trial room   integration also allows them
        to make sure that the outfit looks   to choose the product from the
        the best with regard to the size     nearby store, help them select the
        and the look. Additionally, the      garment, get it delivered or book
        product perpetually allows the       an appointment for trial with being
        buyers to select, try & take a       guided by a closet manager for

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