Page 32 - The 10 Most Pominent Retail startups in 2019
P. 32

10      MOST
                                                                                                  THE   PROMINENT

                             Salt & Pepper Retail                                                 THE   PROMINENT

         The Friendly Online Grocery Store!

                     “                       driven back to the most prominent    plan a well-tuned future of our
                                                                                  business. Yes, there had been
                                             concerns of a human i.e. Roti,
                                             Kapda aur Makan (Food, Clothing
                                                                                  challenges in receiving payments
          Creating value                     & Shelter). This reasoned them       and some other technical issues.
                                                                                  But, the company reacted smartly
                                             to follow the sequence and the
          for every                          tech-loving duo ventured into the    & swiftly and migrated to the
                                                                                  World-class hosting & payment
                                             Grocery space.
          single rupee                       Being aware of the industry          gateway providers to eliminate
                                                                                  all the issues. With the sound

          of Investor &                      chosen, they took the Quality &      knowledge of web designing &
                                                                                  digital marketing strategies, we
                                             Price of the products to the hearts
          Customer                           and deeply studied the components    have successfully designed a
                                             to build unique quality selecting
                                                                                  powerful & user-friendly website
                                             & pricing techniques. Considering    that tops-on in the search engine
                                             scalability, they opted to integrate   rankings,” speaks Mr. Hussain
                                             the technology of internet/e-        passionately.
            s what turns out to be the major   commerce in their concept. In the
            driving force behind Kurnool     year 2016, they came up with one     Serving You Better
         Ibased Salt & Pepper Retail.        of the Andhra Pradesh’s best online  Over time, the team gained
        Committed to serve customers         grocery store named Salt & Pepper    good experience and developed
        with genuine branded products at     Retail with the website www.         adequate strategies to tackle
        discounted prices, Salt & Pepper The   with the real challenges of the
        Retail delivers quality groceries,   rest is history.                     retail industry like of controlling
        baby care products, home products,  “                                     the Inventory Carrying Costs,
        personal care products, organic      Salt & Pepper Retail has             Logistics Costs, Shrinkage and
        products, household items and        projected the annual                 the lifespan of the decaying
        electronics at customer’s doorsteps.                                      inventory items, especially of
                                             turnover of 100 crore                those products that carry expiry or
        The company was ideated in 2016  rupees in the Kurnool city               best before dates on them. Salt &
        by its founders N. Saif Hussain,     alone and has a long                 Pepper Retail practices efficient
        Managing Director & M.Vakil                                               Procurement System & deploys
        Ahamed, Chairman after their         term goal to operate its             only the prescribed equipment
        rigorous research on various         business in the 100 largest          to maintain the best condition of
        businesses to find a viable sector to   cities in India.                  these products. “We understand the
        venture in. As they began to hunt                         “               pricing
        for an industry that is unseasonal,   “Our two-year business journey has   competition and also strongly
        most essential, sustainable and      been awesome with full of unique     believe in Brand & Quality of the
        with great potential, they were      experiences that have helped us      product and service,since they

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