Page 33 - The 10 Most Pominent Retail startups in 2019
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all together at least bless with     by the Government of India.Now,      major cities in South India in the
        a huge databank & customers’         the company is planning to raise     near future,” he adds. The company
        trust, which if used effectively     funds to activate its Marketing      has projected the annual turnover
        can be capable for successfully      & Advertising strategies and we      of 100 crore rupees in the Kurnool
        marketing the debuting and high      are very certain that with these     city alone and has a long-term goal
        margin products,” says Mr. Hussain  resources we will make a difference  to operate its business in the 100
        confidently.                         in the e-retail community,” he       largest cities in India.
        Best known to provide refined
        grocery products at competitive      The Future Plans – In a Nutshell
        prices. “We are receiving the        With very limited resources
        signups from all over India and      and with an 11-member team,
        according to the AWStats we          the company has built a loyal
        receive 20 thousand visits on        customer base of 800+ customers
        average. Great is that our company   and growing and delivered more
        “MIDDE TRADING HOUSE                 than 20000 orders. In 2018, the
        PRIVATE LIMITED” has now             company is working to raise
        been recognized as a Startup         funds to expand its operations
        Company and has been awarded         exponentially in the same city.
        with the Startup Recognition         “We are also planning to launch
        Certificate Number DIPP15540,        the Salt & Pepper Retail in 6 to 8

                                                  N.Saif Hussain,

                                                  Managing Director.M

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