Page 31 - The 10 Most Pominent Retail startups in 2019
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-- the employee experience,”         of organizations had KPIs that      infrastructures
        he continues. “The customer          HR and IT can use to measure        • scaling up and down
        experience often is a one-time       employee experience; and 80%        • adopting and integrating necessary
        transaction, but employee            had employees with HR and IT        technology
        experience spans every single day.   experience as bridges between the   •  onboarding
        That’s why we have to be more        two departments.”                   • the needs of workers in multiple
        careful in crafting it.”             Citrix Workspace and the            locations using a diverse range of
        Vishal Ganeriwala, senior director,   employee experience                devices
        product marketing at Citrix          Citrix Workspace is designed        • service delivery to locally
        As a company, Citrix articulates an   with the employee experience in    distributed offices or even global
        uncomplicated view of employee       mind. It delivers a transformative   ones
        experience. The organization’s       experience that organizes, guides   • The delivery of the Workspace
        guiding premise is a short equation:  and automates work. Think unified,   experience with built-in low code
        employee experience =                secure and intelligent – in a way   tooling
        productivity + engagement            that unlocks innovation, engages    • out-of-the-box connectors for your
        The reason why a one-liner such      employees and delivers better       apps and integrations with identity
        as this tells the story is because   business results. The platform      providers and channel integrations.
        it clearly positions experience at   aggregates all relevant content,    Citrix Workspace gives IT the
        the top of the priority list – and   data and apps into an intuitive,    ability to deliver instant, secure
        the effects of a great employee      personalized interface.             access to information on any
        experience (more productivity and    Microapps built with easy-to-use    device, at any time, anywhere, and
        engagement) as the results in the    tools, provide streamlined access   over any network. This improves
        equation.                            and simple one-click actions to     the mobile experience and provides
        We’ve determined that a great        all types of applications – from    self-service automation and
        employee experience increases        legacy desktop apps to new mobile   workflows.
        productivity and engagement. When    and SaaS apps. Citrix Workspace     Citrix Workspace has built-
        workers become more productive       provides a single experience for    in security
        and engaged, they, in turn,          employees to get work done quickly  With Citrix Workspace, you can
        positively impact an organization’s   and efficiently – how, when and    flip the security script. Rather than
        bottom line. This is how the         where they want. By infusing this   monitoring unknown external
        value we bring to our respective     experience with machine learning,   threats that change on a daily basis,
        companies is influenced by our       Citrix empowers employees with      Citrix Workspace enables your IT
        employee experiences. In fact,       assistance and guidance enabling    team to proactively detect and act
        a Medium blog post reports that      intelligent automation for work.    on risky or unusual user behavior.
        “companies with higher employee      Citrix Workspace brings together    This people-centric security
        engagement see 2.3x greater          everything users need in a unified   approach allows you to score users
        revenue growth.”                     experience, providing employees     based on their risk levels, and if
        As for the shared responsibility     with personalized feeds and         desired, to implement IRM and
        between IT and HR, Donna             automating the kinds of routine     DLP.
        Kimmel, Executive Vice President     tasks that contribute to worker
        and Chief People Officer at Citrix,   fatigue.
        reinforces the importance of         Citrix Workspace and IT
        collaboration with some proof        Citrix Workspace provides
        points. In a recent blog post,       significant benefits to IT as well. It
        she cites that in companies in       makes managing a number of things
        which employee productivity          easier:
        and engagement numbers are           • the IT environment -- whether it’s
        high, “90% of CIOs and CHROs         on premises, in the cloud, or both
        surveyed saw digital transformation   • resources and hybrid
        as a shared project; nearly 50%

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