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The Easiest Way to Improve Your

        Company’s Bottom Line

        Life is full of trillions of         Burt Rea, director of human capital  tied to the happiness of
        moments. Thousands of landmark       consulting at Deloitte says, “It’s the   employees
        experiences. Sad days. Good days.    day-to-day moments that matter to   In the Economist report, a number
        Relationships that begin and end.    employees.” He adds, “Impactful     of factors are listed as contributing
        Rites of passage. Regular routines   EX initiatives focus on employees’   to the employee experience.
        that occur day-in-and-day-out. This  beginning-to-end experience with    Among them are leadership and
        is the fabric of our lives.          your company, from their days as a   management, sales/contract terms,
        Despite the fact that it has such a   job applicant to their last paycheck   health/wellbeing practices and
        significant impact on our quality    and, in some cases, all the way     policies, flexible working policies,
        of life, there’s one very important   through retirement.”               organizational purpose/culture,
        type of life experience that didn’t   In the same article, Kathleen      technology available to employees,
        make that list until the advent of   Vegh, senior manager of employee    social relationships in the
        the digital age. It’s “employee      engagement at Hyland, notes that    organization, and workplace design.
        experience.” Employee experience     employee experience is comprised    Digitally mature companies rank
        wasn’t talked about much, despite    of many facets. “Engagement can     the importance of technology near
        the fact that those of us who work   fall under that, [but] experience   the top of the list, at third behind
        at full time jobs are likely to      goes further. It takes into account   corporate leadership and sales/
        spend more time in the company       everything.”                        contract terms. There’s no question:
        of colleagues and under the          Changing employee experience        when it comes to the future of
        governance of corporate policies     champions: IT joins HR              work, the technology tools provided
        than we are with our loved ones.     Until recently, the organizational   for employees do matter.
        Our respective employee              entity that drove the push for      The Citrix take on employee
        experiences shape us and the         a better employee experience
        organizations we join. With that            ‘‘                           experience
        in mind, it stands to reason that    was HR.  The experience             At Citrix, how employees best
        we should understand as much         of work: The role of                interact with technology is a major
        as we can about how employee         technology in productivity          consideration in the strategy and
        experience weaves into day-to-day    and engagement,  a report           design of every product innovation.
        life, how the value we bring to                                          Vishal Ganeriwala, senior director,
        respective companies can change      from the Economist Intelligence     product marketing at Citrix,
        if the experience changes, and the   Unit, states that architecting a great  needs only half of a tweet to sum
                                             employee experience now has
        factors that make our tenure at work                                     up the importance of employee
        productive and engaging.             become a cross-functional endeavor  experience. In a statement about
                                             --  that IT leaders have entered
        The first thread: defining the       the fray. What that says to us is   Gartner DWS, he said in part,
                                                                                 “#EmployeeExperience is the
        employee experience                  that technology is playing a much   ONLY competitive advantage you
        To understand how the employee       greater role in shaping the workers’  have in this new digital world...”
        experience shapes us, it helps to    experiences than ever before. It    He notes that in corporations, our
        define it. A great place to start is   also explains why technology      focus often has been elsewhere.
        the Society of Human Resource        vendors are perfecting their        “Historically, we’ve spent a great
        Management (SHRM). Historically,     offerings to ensure that employees   deal of time thinking about the
        HR professionals have been           can concentrate on work that        customer experience,” he explains.
        champions in this area.              creates value, rather than on time-  “In doing so, we neglected
        In the SHRM article, “Creating an    consuming busy work.                one thing that significantly
        Optimal Employee Experience,”        Technology is inextricably          impacts customer experience

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