Page 25 - The 10 Most Pominent Retail startups in 2019
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lighting, amongst others. “Indian e-commerce sites. Additionally, Innovate on a daily basis. We
consumers especially in the they have built unique are confident that with super-fast
metro cities are hard pressed algorithms with the help of AI improvements in technology, we
on time. With the ever-growing which helps in price discovery. will be able to better our product
hectic lifestyles, there is no The Journey Ahead and launch newer things for
time left to do research on the Over the years, IndiaShopps consumers.”
products or on their upcoming has had a phenomenal growth.
purchases. However, being “Since inception we have done
Indians, we do love to look and a GMV of more than Rs. 100
hunt for best prices and deals - crores on our platform,” avers
that is in our DNA. To cater to Mitul. The company has recently
consumers, need of bargain and expanded in ASEAN countries
deal hunting without wasting – Singapore, Malaysia, Hong
time is what we have achieved,” Kong, Indonesia, Philippines,
he says. Vietnam and Thailand. The
Analyzing the present consumer portal is known as Mybestprice
behavior pattern, the company with respective country
has launched a browser app domains.
which once on being installed
shows the best prices right on Narrating the plan ahead,
the product pages of all the Mitul adds, “We are looking to
December 2019 25