Page 23 - The 10 Most Pominent Retail startups in 2019
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competition from local shops are keenly following the matches. fans, cricket fans in India do not
selling low-cost replica is a cause According to, Middle inculcate team t-shirts or trousers
of concern. Many local street East region’s official online e-tailer into their daily fashion statement.
shops in India are selling Team for the ICC Cricket World Cup The fan gear is limited to a big
India t-shirts, trousers and caps 2015, almost 60 per cent of sales event like World Cup and probably
at a much lower cost than offered are centred around Team India’s other mini tournaments or leagues,
by official stores. Starting from t-shirts, caps, etc. India is followed and thus it does not convert into a
INR 250, these items are selling by Pakistan that has 15 per cent routine casual style outside of the
like hotcakes. Even though quality share in sale and Sri Lanka with stadium. “It is not uncommon to
of the apparel and accessories 10 per cent share. “With the large see people in Manhattan walking
available at local shops is not at Indian population in this region, on the streets with a swagger,
par with the official items, the we expected India sales to do well. wearing basketball-inspired
low-cost option continues to attract However, the fact that 60 per cent clothes. In India, how many people
customers. Similar to the Cricket of all sales are for Team India can you see like that on the streets,
World Cup of 2011, wherein fake shows the outside the stadium? Not many,
fan cricket gear went past the sales “said Sanjay Gangopadhyay of
of official gear, World Cup 2015 Nike. Thus, sports brands and
may not seem different with outlets are expecting cricket gear’s
tough competition from fake demand to last throughout the
fan gear. Moreover, these fake World Cup, but not beyond that.
apparel and accessories are not
only expected to bother India, The local shopkeepers are also
sales of low-cost t-shirts, caps, certain that the sales of team gear
etc of various other teams are will be limited until the World
also gaining momentum in the Cup ends. Though India’s cricket
host country Australia. craze remains unmatched, apparel
brands have not managed to stretch
But, what makes India’s official staggering support their cricket gear sales beside a
cricket gear special is that the new that they have in this region,” says particular global cricket event,
lightweight kit comprising of t-shirt Mahendra Asar, general manager mainly because such apparel does
and trouser is created out of an of UAE. In Chicago, not easily fit into daily, general
average 33 recycled plastic bottles. local stores selling World Cup fashion expectations.
Thus, team India’s replica kit accessories witnessed a rise in
clearly has an edge over low-priced sale of India and Pakistan team References:
fake kit. “Since January 15, we t-shirts prior to clash of these
have sold over 8,000 jerseys that is teams. According to Sanjay 1.
almost 300 per day. As the World Gangopadhyay, marketing director, 2.
Cup progresses, we hope to double Nike India, about 50 per cent of 3.
sales,” said Mukesh Bansal, CEO Nike’s cricket merchandise sales 4.
of Myntra. currently come from the India 5.
jersey. 6.
The clear favourites
Cricket World Cup 2015 has Post-World Cup
fourteen teams, but when it expectations
comes to sale of team items, Cricket World Cup serves as an
India definitely steals the show. auspicious time for team’s apparel
The sale of team India’s apparel sale, but after tournaments get over,
and accessories has managed to continuation of such trend always
surpass other teams, as Indians looks doubtful. A major hurdle
living in various parts of the world is, unlike football or basketball
December 2019 23