Page 26 - The 10 Most Pominent Retail startups in 2019
P. 26
MODESTREET: Fashion. Networking. Shopping
Abhitosh Yadav Rohit Chhabra
Founder & CEO Co-Founder
Abhitosh Yadav and Rohit how shopping for fashion is done. “
When I first met him I
Chhabra, the ex-NITians who As the everlasting connectivity, wasn’t sure about how
met during their college days contextual relevance and a multi- long we will get along
knew a very little about the fate screen world have added value to
and passion that brought them the online mechanism, still buying but I felt that we would
together to chase a dream. During clothes is found as a daunting make a strong team and
their career span, they have experience for many. Thus, can achieve something
worked across many leading looking at the largest prospects big. In fact, the first start-
names ranging from marketing and identifying that technology,
to hospitality. But what actually integration, innovation, and and create a mark in the
caught their attention was the personalization will be at the
amplifying eCommerce space. As forefront, both through years of business world,
the competition seemed to blur the validation and consolidation of the explicates Rohit Chhabra, Co-
lines between the digital and in- concept, rolled out Modestreet Founder, Modestreet Internet.
up failure led us to rise “
store experiences, it also opened Fashion to begin their journey in
up exciting new possibilities for delivering augmenting fashion Assisting Buyers & Marketers for
forward-thinking brains. Thus, experience. Making Informed Choices
moving ahead to capture the Noida headquartered Modestreet
global market, the duo formulated Touted to be a game changer in the is a unique, first-of-its-kind online
their first idea –an augmented fashion industry, Modestreet aims platform that seamlessly integrates
fashion network for multichannel to reduce the omnichannel gaps cross-platform fashion savvy social
fashion retail, which can and improvise on both the in-store networking sites, multi-channel
significantly enhance the way on and online shopping experiences
26 December 2019