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P. 2

School background (Introduction)

               Hoërskool Vorentoe High school is a school that is located in Studente laan, Rossmore

               next  to  the  University  of  Johannesburg  Kingsway  campus. The name  Vorentoe  is an
               Afrikaans word that can be translated to English as Forward or to put forward. The idea

               of the school was motivated by United State of America as Rossmore Junior Hoërskool

               was established January 1938. Rossmore Junior Hoërskool then gave birth to what we
               know as Hoërskool Vorentoe High school today which started in January 1951. This is

               the period where Vorentoe became an official high school; new school badge was also
               designed  during  this time  by  Mr Pistorius.  The  badge  simple  means  that  “knowledge

               leads to power and riches.” The joyous moment to the school was their first matriculants

               who  wrote  their  examinations  in  1953.  The  school  has  been  striving  to  be  an  “ideal
               school” as it went through many obstacles to what we see today. The school is in front

               of the road that was busy and still busy. The nose of the cars made it difficult for the
               school to be ideal. However, that did not stop the school stockholders from making the

               school better and conducive for learners today.

               Moreover, the obstacles of the past have molded the school to what it is presently, this

               has also been transferred to the teachers and learners of the school through culture,

               religion  and  discipline.  Sport  is  one  of  the  most  prioritized  cultures  of  the  school.
               Vorentoe has many sport codes from Soccer, Cricket all the way to the athletics. Sports

               plan  an  important  role  in  maintaining  healthy  living  of  the  leaners  and  discipline.
               Moreover,  the  school  is  also  very  diverse  in  terms  of  race  (Coloreds,  Indians  and

               blacks)  and  religion  (Christians,  Hindus  and  Muslims).  Even  though  the  school  has

               more  Christians,  but  it  does  not  discriminate  other  religions.  Taking  a  glance  at  the
               school’s  policy,  the  school  has  a  very  firm  policy  that  abides  all  the  involved

               stakeholders involved in the school. WELCOME TO VORIES BROCHURE!!!
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