Page 9 - TST Final Brochure Project_flib
P. 9

Teachers have 3 loves:

                                                1. Love of learning

                                                 2. Love of learners

                      And the love of bringing the first two together”

                                                 - Scott Hayden

               In conclusion

                An  ideal  teacher  tries  his  or  her  best  to  make  learners  learn  bearing  in  mind  that
               everyone learns differently. An ideal teacher tries to come up with different teaching and

               learning strategies that will make learners to learn effectively. Learning does not  only

               require a textbook, but it also requires other educational tools and a safe and secure
               learning  environment  that  will  enhance  effective  teaching.  An  ideal  teacher  needs  to

               know his or her learner’s psychology so that she or he can know how learners can be
               best accommodated during the teaching and learning process. A school needs to be a

               place  where  learners  feel  safe  and  where  learners  can  become  agents  of  change
               through critical thinking. A school needs to be an ideal school and have ideal teachers

               so  that  there  can  be  ideal learners,  learners  who  are  striving  for  positive  change  not

               only in the school but also in their environment.

               Ideal teacher creates a second home for the learner's, whereby they feel appreciated.

               Ideal teacher does not belittle learner’s knowledge by considering their prior knowledge
               and do not conclude that some leaners cannot learn at the same time with others due to

               their  abilities.  Ideal  teacher  understands  that  leaners  are  different  and  needs  to  be

               accommodated according to their different learning styles, therefore a teacher needs to
               incorporate teaching aids. Ideal teacher needs to change the lesson and make it learner

               centered, use teaching strategies like Think Pair and Share, whereby learners do most
               of the work and the teacher facilitates learning.
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