Page 8 - TST Final Brochure Project_flib
P. 8
Learners achievements:
Learners achievements must be celebrated to encourage them to keep up the good
work. This can be done in a form of calling out leaners that did work and give them
awards, badges and certificates of recognition. Teachers need to be aware of the
learner’s home contexts and know that not in all households the learners achievements
are recognized and celebrated. A teacher should thus embrace the pedagogy of care to
ensure that learners are not overlooked, and their achievements are not disregarded.
Setting of the class:
The classroom desks and table must be arranged in a way that the teacher can move in
between them to monitor learner’s participation and to keep everyone working
especially during group works. The class setting should be equipped with the necessary
resources to allow for the successful facilitation of learning. The setting should be
regularly changed to fit the purpose and activities of a lesson. Class setting also
contributes to the educator’s ability to maintain discipline and order in the classroom.