Page 11 - Guide Mock-Up - _007__Float
P. 11

Example B

       The situation            The solution               The results
       saw a global medical     was to produce a video     included an
       technology company       interview with the         impressive Altmetric
       approach Wiley to        authors of the article     attention score of 517
       extend and sustain       and a peer-reviewed        for the article; more
       the impact of a peer-    infographic with an        than 3,019 sessions
       reviewed article by      online hub                 since the hub went
       providing readers with   (http://improving-         live end November
       an immersive          2016, 54.1% new
       experience.              to host this enhanced      visitors and 45.9%
                                content. These were        returning visitors. The
                                linked to in the article   most viewed pages on
                                on the publisher’s         the hub contained 3
                                digital journal platform.  videos, 3 journal
                                                           articles and a KOM.

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