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Content designed for
    digital channels

     The way HCPs engage with pharmaceutical information has developed with the
     move to digital communication and the way in which content is consumed. Some
     HCPs may prefer content that mirrors the printed reference works they have
     been used to.  Other HCPs may see information in a different way – as digital
     natives they don’t need online information to look like books and may not have
     the same print based reference points when it comes to the packaging and
     presentation of information.  And there are new kinds of content; videos,
     podcasts, interactive e-learning materials, and apps that open new channels for
     communicating with HCPs.

     In a recent report into the different   A high level of trust is placed on
     views of HCPs when examined by age    recommendations from their peers
     group, only 16% of ‘millennial’ doctors   with 79% of millennial doctors
     said they found pharmaceutical        surveyed saying they only refer to
     promotional materials to be influential   information from pharmaceutical
     when considering a new treatment,     companies after they’ve found
     compared to 48% of non-millennial     information elsewhere, so
     doctors.                              pharmaceutical marketers who have no
                                           third party or sharable content might
     These millennial HCPs are much more   be missing a valuable route to this
     likely to rely on a third-party website or  audience.
     a colleague for healthcare information
     than from branded websites.

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