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A plethora of digital devices has
also created more opportunities Quality
for marketers to interact with Timely, meaningful and high
quality content created from a
busy HCPs. Content for smaller credible source so HCPs will
phone screens is most effective engage with it and search for
when shorter, more digestible more, knowing it to be valuable.
and technically suited for the
device. These pieces also act as
a touch point to drive users Trust
towards more substantial Where content and enhanced
content to consume when they content replaces face to face
engagement with a sales
are sitting at their desktop representative, the company is
computer. asking the reader to place an
enormous amount of trust in
Technical innovation may have that content and the product
or brand it relates to. It’s
created new devices and new important to note that
opportunities to communicate, although enhanced content
but users are becoming more products educate and engage,
sophisticated about how they in no way do they replace the
filter irrelevant information traditional peer reviewed
article. They are
using tools such as expert social complementary to it and
networks, article Altmetric 2 potentially expand the
scores and other sources. audience reach by providing a
more consumer-friendly or
Along with all consumer groups, educational format.
HCPs have greater control over
what they see online than they
did ten years ago. Sharability
Sharing is an increasingly
prominent way in which HCPs
As digital content is rarely discover new information.
withdrawn, and can remain Platforms such as Sermo, the
relevant for some time, there is global social network for HCPs or
also a lot more content than groups on networks such as
WeChat in China all help facilitate
there used to be. This means this approach. Sharing of content
that new content should be has become an important and
highly discoverable and transparent measure, with tools
compelling. such as Altmetric measuring
reach. Millennial doctors report
that their biggest influence is
A single page on a large other physicians, with nearly half
corporate website runs the risk saying their peers are the most
that it simply will not be found relevant source for learning
by the audience who need to about new treatments . So, it is
not enough that HCPs read the
see it. Any content needs to be content themselves, they must
something that HCPs can also find it reputable and
engage with and share. engaging enough to share on to
their professional network.