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The role of independent and
enhanced content
Content is a necessity for adding value to the customer relationship by providing
educational and engaging assets that are of high quality and relevance.
The pharmaceutical industry has always Given that a recent study discovered
had a stronger focus on sharing data that only 34% of clinicians find
and content than other industries and pharmaceutical content on HCP sites to
brands and have been quick to adopt be trustworthy , Wiley and other
this approach of using good content for publishers can provide an element of
reaching a community of end-users and independence to content marketing for
maintaining that relationship. pharmaceutical marketers through
However, HCPs still often recognize that partnering to create enhanced content
they are engaging with content that is solutions to make that connection
produced by pharmaceutical companies through a variety of formats and topics.
rather than by an independent source.
Content is most effective when it
provides access to information, context
and opinion that the target audience
truly value, in formats they want to
engage with. For HCPs this might be
short updates that are easy to digest,
on-the-go such as content feeds, or a
more in depth, interactive learning
opportunity that advances knowledge.