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Providing the latest knowledge and Although the pharmaceutical industry
thought leadership on key topics can has for many years used content to
foster long term engagement and brand demonstrate and explain research
loyalty. findings, enhanced content must
provide something deeper that the
When HCPs can identify the concrete reader can engage with; something that
benefit of the information they are is easy to digest and to share whilst still
reading they are more likely to return to retaining the same level of quality and
it, to read more from the same source, consistency.
and to actively share it; helping to find a
new audience. So, content must fulfil A very successful example of enhanced
the needs of the HCP it is aimed at. To content is Wiley’s Key Opinions in
do this, it must be high quality, trusted Medicine (KOM), with the latest
and sharable. information and research from all
sectors of medicine and health. This is
Overall, a commitment to producing particularly successful in building an
quality content from a trusted source audience who regard this industry
makes content more credible and information as essential through its
sharable among the target audience. rapid newsletter format, available in
print and digital.