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Adapting to digital
From diagnostic apps to reference position to see an industry level view of
materials, HCPs have an increasingly the way pharmaceutical marketers are
digital workflow. In a survey of turning to content marketing, and how
pharmaceutical executives that HCPs are engaging.
compared data from 2014-2015 , use Marketing strategy and delivery plays a
of mobile/tablet apps jumped from key role for the most successful
30% to 40%, pointing to an increased campaigns. HCPs make decisions
importance for digital content when based on the knowledge they find in
communicating with HCPs. As trusted publications and content. This
discussed, it is important that this content and enhanced content
content is held to the same high increases awareness of products,
standards as books and journal services, research and ideas. Successful
articles. With outcomes for patients at Wiley partnerships involve creating a
stake, HCPs still value high quality, diverse portfolio of high-quality
critically reviewed sources of content in an enhanced format,
information. An experienced delivered to engaged networks of
organisation can bring the expertise targeted professionals. They allow
and third-party independence, that marketers to connect with broad and
HCPs value.
niche communities, building on the
strength of Wiley’s reputation and
As knowledge partners of some of the direct access to key opinion leaders.
world’s leading pharmaceutical
companies, Wiley is in a unique