Page 3 - ROOT by Brock JanFeb2020
P. 3

ask the rd:

                                                                                  WHY DO SOME BRANDS OF BREAD
                                                                                  THAT I PURCHASE GET MOLDY BUT
                                                                                  NOT OTHERS?
                                                                                  It is important to read the ingredients labels
                                                                                  to determine if there are additives added to
                                                                                  it. Bread that does not have additives in the
                                                                                  ingredients will get moldy. Believe it or not,
                                                                                  you want your bread to get moldy. Mold is
                                                                                  an indicator of a lack of preservatives and
                                                                                  ultimately a fresher, healthier bread. So to
                                                                                  answer the question, always stick with a brand
                                                                                  of bread that gets moldy sooner than later or
                                                                                  never. Also as a quick tip, you can store your
                                                                                  bread in the refrigerator to extend its shelf life.

                                                                                  WHEN READING INGREDIENTS
                                                                                  ON FOOD LABELS, IS THERE
        spice it up: SEEDS                                                        ANYTHING THAT I SHOULD
                                                                                  LOOK FOR AND AVOID?
        Seeds are the spice many often forget. These   Nutmeg  is another  fabulous  seed used  to   It is important to choose foods that have
        little pods can add fl avor and color to many   fl avor dishes. Nutmeg is the seed kernel   ingredients on the label that you recognize
        dishes. In addition to the most common   inside  the  fruit  of  the  nutmeg  tree  native   and pronounce. There is a correlation
        ones used in baking and cooking, like poppy   to the Spice Islands. When the whole seed   between the number of ingredients on
        and sesame seeds, there is an entire family   is grated, the sweet, nutty fl avor of nutmeg   the food label and how healthy the item
        of others common in cuisines around the   is used to fl avor egg dishes, cheese sauces,   is. The longer the list of items you cannot
        world. By toasting or roasting them, you   stews, custards, mulled wine, and eggnog.  pronounce the less likely you should be eating
        can alter the fl avor of the seed, ultimately   The next time you are looking to try   it, especially on a regular basis. One thing
        changing the essence of the dish.   something new in the kitchen, try your   to look for is BHT and TBHQ. These are
        Several types of spices come in a ground   hand at using seeds. Incorporating them can   preservatives that have been added to foods to
        and a seed variety. For example, annatto is   add fl avor and dimension to your dishes;   increase shelf life. These items should not be
        a type of spice, but there is also a version of   you won’t be disappointed.  included in your diet on a regular basis due to
        annatto that is the full seed. Other popular   Source:                    recent studies. These additives have negative

        options include cumin, an aromatic seed                                   e ects associated with them. New labeling
        of a plant in the parsley family, which adds  practices will have these and other items in
        depth  to  spice  blends  for  chili  or  stews.  BOLD informing the consumer that this has
        Caraway seeds add a distinctive earthy fl avor  been added to the food. It is important to be
        to rye bread. Whole peppercorns are great   fl avor-story-whole-black-pepper  aware of this when making your choices.
        for pickling, whereas crushed/fi nely ground
        black peppercorn adds heat to your dish.                                  IS COCONUT OIL GOOD FOR ME?
                                                                                  Coconut oil has been known to do great
                                                                                  things for your skin and your hair by using
                                                                                  them OUTSIDE of the body. Coconut
                                                                                  oil should not be eaten on a regular basis.
                                                                                  Coconut oil contains signifi cant amounts

                                                                                  of saturated fat. This has a negative e ect
                                                                                  on cholesterol levels — increasing the bad
                                                                                  and decreasing the good, and it has been
                                                                                  associated with increased cholesterol levels
                                                                                  overall. It is better to use olive oil, canola oil
                                                                                  or peanut oil when cooking. These oils have

                                                                                  positive e ects on cholesterol levels.
                                                                                  Have a question? Send it to
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