Page 7 - ROOT by Brock JanFeb2020
P. 7
From the Kitchen: EASY OAT MILK
Yield: 1 Cup
• 1 cup rolled oats Add all the ingredients to your blender
• 4 cups water and mix until well combined, approximately
one minute.
• ¼ tsp. salt
Strain milk mixture through a cheesecloth
• 2 Tbsp. maple syrup
over a bowl to drain the liquid.
• 1 tsp. vanilla extract
Discard the drained rolled oats mixture.
Calories 114, Added Sugar 6g, Store the milk in the refrigerator where it
Sodium 150mg, Total Fat 1g, will stay fresh for up to 5 days. Shake it well
Carbohydrates 22g, Fiber 2g, Protein 3g
before use.
Source: Use in your tea or co ee or pour over cereal.
Did you know that one of the essential When reading the nutrition facts label,
substances your organs need to stay healthy be sure most or all of the fat in the food
and functioning is dietary fat? Dietary fats item is coming from monounsaturated or
are grouped in a category called healthy fats polyunsaturated sources. Limit saturated fat
because of the benefi ts they provide when intake to less than 1 gram per serving.
they are consumed.
Two groups make up this category: mono- HEALTHY FATS
unsaturated and polyunsaturated. These
types of fat are associated with keeping the AVOCADO
inside of the body healthy. They assist the OLIVES
ratio of good cholesterol to bad cholesterol FATTY FISH LIKE SALMON
in the body. They also help the heart OLIVE OIL
function in increasing energy and aiding in NUTS
healthy cell production. SEEDS