Page 6 - ROOT by Brock JanFeb2020
P. 6

        A  new  year  brings  resolutions  and  changes,   For example, this food item contains 48 grams
        especially on food and dietary habits. January   of carbohydrates and 5 grams of fi ber. After
        is Focus on Fiber Month and it is the perfect   subtracting 5 from 48, that leaves 43 grams
        time to place your attention on increasing your   of carbohydrates in this food. The body does
        intake. Most consumers do not realize how   not break down the fi ber in the food; it passes
        great fi ber is for feeling and staying healthy. It   through the body without being digested.

        often gets lost in the shu  e while choices are   Because of this, you are consuming fewer
        being made to increase healthy foods. Fiber   total carbohydrates. Fiber could be benefi cial
        is very easy to eat in recommended amounts;   for someone who needs to control their blood
        however, it can be hard to fi nd if you don’t   sugar, such as an individual with diabetes or
        know where to look for it.           someone concerned with weight maintenance.
        Increasing fi ber in the diet helps to keep   A benefi t of consuming fi ber is that when it
        your gut healthy,  decreases the amount   passes through the body, the bad cholesterol,
        of carbohydrates consumed, and it plays   LDL, attaches itself to the fi ber.  As the fi ber
        a signifi cant role in keeping cholesterol in   makes its way through the digestive tract, it
        check. Fiber comes in two forms:     takes the cholesterol with it when it leaves
        Soluble: found in fruits and vegetables like   the body.
        apples, strawberries, and peas       Consuming adequate amounts of dietary
                                             fi ber should rank at the top of your list!
        Insoluble: found in whole grain products,
        oats, and other grains, plus chia seeds and   Recommended daily amounts of fi ber should
        brown rice                           be between 25 to 38 grams, with the average
                                             American consuming only 15 grams per day.
        When looking at the food label of a product   A quick tip for increasing your fi ber intakes   A serving size tells you how much of a food or
        that has fi ber in it, you can subtract the   is that each serving of carbohydrate-  liquid is in one serving.
        grams of fi ber from the total grams of   containing foods should have 4 grams or   The dietary fiber number tells you how many

        carbohydrates. Because fi ber moves through   more per serving.            grams of fiber are in one serving.

        the GI tract undigested, the consumption
        amounts of carbohydrates are less than the
        notation on the food label.

        A ergen Awarene : SOY
        Soy is among the most common food    family,  including  peanuts. Symptoms of a    SOME POPULAR
        allergens in the U.S. It falls into the   soy allergy can range from mild to severe.   NAMES OF SOY
        “Top Eight Allergens” category. It is one   Some reactions can result in anaphylaxis
        of the most common allergens among   requiring the use of an epinephrine pen.          EDAMAME
        babies and  children; conversely,  some   Soybeans are not that common in the U.S.      NATTO
        adults are also a  ected by it. Soy is an   however, they are  used in many  forms in    SOYA
        abbreviated  version  of  the  word  soybean   commercial food production. Soy is one of   SOY PROTEIN
        and soybeans are a member of the legume   the ingredients that is listed and highlighted   TOFU
        family. Interestingly enough, someone   on food labels to aid the consumer when   TEXTURED VEGETABLE
                       who has a soy allergy   purchasing processed foods. Soy is a           PROTEIN  TVP
                       is at no higher risk   frequent protein replacement used in             TEMPEH
                          for developing an   vegan  or  vegetarian  options  of  their  meat
                              allergy to any   counterparts. It is important to look at   Source:
                               other food in   the  ingredients  list  on  food  containers  to
                               the   legume  determine the addition of soy.
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