Page 3 - NCTC Member Marketing Kit
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NCTC manages all aspects of content provider relationships for
On behalf of our membership, members. On behalf of our members, NCTC negotiates with large
NCTC negotiates master media companies as well as independent networks, broadcast
station owners (RTC) and new and emerging content providers such
licensing agreements with as OTT services. Our programming operations group maintains,
content providers for more manages and administers all content acquisition agreements from
than 200 networks. We utilize participation to payment and more.
our cumulative member buying MEMBER BENEFITS
power for the purposes of • Contracts: Our team negotiates and maintains content
negotiating better terms with agreements for our members. During negotiations, we
content providers than members represent our members’ positions and best interests.
may be able to achieve on their • Contract Summaries: Members can easily track contract
own. Through the aggregation details, provisions and exclusions through the NCTC website.
of subscribers, NCTC creates • Education and Information: Members are provided guidance
and overview of new agreements through the use of webinars,
efficiencies that benefit both notices and direct one-on-one communication. Our team
our members and the content provides ongoing education and information on content
providers, leading to more agreements and industry matters of importance.
competitive and cost-effective • Ongoing Communication, Updates and Access: Members
agreements. receive updates and notices throughout the negotiation process
of major content agreements and are provided with multiple
avenues to communicate with NCTC on questions and provide
Our team brings expertise to us with input and feedback. Our team provides ongoing
create operational efficiencies communication with members on programming changes,
with dedicated support, updates, amendments to content agreements and provides an
efficient and effective access conduit between members and
managing day-to-day aspects content providers.
of content acquisition and • Forecasting and Guidance Resources: We provide guidance
distribution and serving as a and tools to help members manage costs to project future
support system for your billing programming costs, calculate costs in compliance with
and payment service needs. agreement terms (such as bulk subscribers), manage industry
obligations (such as children’s programming compliance
In 2018, NCTC managed $3.3 documents) or respond to inquiries (such as programmer
billion in content contracts for audits).
members. • Show Support: NCTC secures content provider support for our
industry shows and events allowing members convenient access
to programmers and educational opportunities.
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