Page 7 - NCTC Member Marketing Kit
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We support your marketing efforts with members-only toolkits,
NEW NCTC SERVICES referrals to marketing services providers used by other member
& COMMUNICATION operators, and networking and education opportunities.
We’re developing compelling
marketing capabilities to help MEMBER BENEFITS
support member adoption of • We develop marketing support programs to help you keep
NCTC services. We assess pace with changing business models and evolving consumer
member needs, communicate expectations.
about new marketing • Our dedicated marketing and communications team works to
keep you informed about changes in our industry that affect
opportunities, and engage with your operations.
suppliers and partners to provide • We provide ongoing support for all of NCTC’s current and
end-to-end member support. emerging offerings, so you can effectively market new
products and services to your subscribers.
EVENTS/LEARNING • We evaluate and recommend marketing services partners
& DEVELOPMENT who can add value to our member operators’ in-house
We create opportunities for marketing programs.
members to network with each • As new product offerings emerge, our experienced team of
MARCOM professionals develops new tools and services to
other, sharing best practices and support your continued success.
working together to solve
common challenges. We
leverage educational and
networking opportunities from MEMBER CONTACT:
our industry partners, and we Brian Dowell •
create programs for marketing
professionals at our two annual
events, the Independent Show
and the Winter Educational
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