Page 6 - NCTC Member Marketing Kit
P. 6



        OVERVIEW                                COMPETITIVE PRICING FOR CONTENT +
                                                TECHNOLOGY EQUIPMENT AND SOLUTIONS

        NCTC members reduce                     NCTC currently manages $3.7 billion in contracts on behalf our
        costs and gain new
                                                •  We negotiate with nearly 200 media companies with
        efficiencies by working                    cumulative member buying power that provides you access to
        with us. Through our                       content cost-effectively, efficiently, and with better terms.

        content agreements,                     •  We also work with nearly 100 technology solutions and
                                                   equipment vendors, negotiating collectively on behalf of our
        technology solutions                       membership, giving you favorable pricing for CPE hardware,

        partnerships and                           headend video equipment, distribution (active and passives),
                                                   cable (coax, fiber, conduit), phone options, testing and
        broadband initiatives, we
                                                   measurement solutions, supplies, consumables and more.
        put our collective strength             MEMBER BENEFITS
        to use for member savings               •  Cost Savings: Competitive rates and better terms for content

        and resource optimization.                 and technology solutions and equipment
        We also offer discounts on              DISCOUNTED B2B SAVINGS PROGRAM
                                                We also provide member savings through discounted B2B savings
        B2B services and supplies.
                                                programs, which offer negotiated rates on professional support
                                                spanning customer care, financial services, marketing, operations,
                                                and regulatory.

        •  Cost Savings: Reduced costs for required professional services.

        By providing a one-stop shop with a single point of contact for content and technology equipment and
        solutions, our members gain new efficiencies, saving time and optimizing resources.

        •  Time Management: We manage contracts, vendor relationships and communications, giving
            members time to focus on their core business operations.
        •  Day-to-Day Content Support: NCTC dedicated team members in programming operations and
            procurement manage major negotiations and run day-to-day business operations.
        •  Day-to-Day Technology Solutions and Equipment Support: Our team of experts saves you time
            and optimizes resources.

            MEMBER CONTACT:  Your Assigned TSG Account Manager

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