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By supporting the role of apps Over-the-top (OTT) content is streamed over the internet
and IP-based technology in directly to TV’s, laptop, tablet, smartphone or streaming
delivering TV, NCTC members device. OTT content can be SVOD or a Virtual MVPD
are engaging customers in this service that is delivered via an app or a device.
new video landscape. NCTC Video Solutions Providers: Virtual Multichannel
provides you with education Video Programming Distributors (vMVPD): Virtual
opportunities to help you Multichannel Video Programming Distributors aggregate
determine your video strategy. live and on-demand linear television but deliver the content
We develop partnerships with over the internet. vMVPDs offer new opportunities for NCTC
industry leaders to offer you members without a competitive video offering. It gives them
high-quality, turnkey video a lower-cost alternative to pass along to consumers, who
solutions to help manage your won’t have to purchase individual OTT subscriptions directly
costs and boost revenues. from each content provider.
NCTC classifies Video Solutions Advanced Video Platform Partners: TiVo and MobiTV:
providers in three categories: NCTC works to identify solutions that meet consumer
demands for more flexibility, more choices, and more
1. Advanced Video Platform interactivity. Features like voice control, universal search,
Partners – Advanced IP-based compelling user experience, OTT apps, and personalized
platforms enable members recommendations give consumers the modern experience
with linear Pay TV to enter they expect. Today, NCTC has strategic relationships with TiVo
the app-based TV ecosystem and MobiTV that help drive innovation and scale economics.
Our members guide NCTC’s criteria for prioritization.
2. Over-The-Top Providers –
OTT SVOD video content TiVo: Collaborating with TiVo gives NCTC members access
to enhance options for to an advanced TV offering with best-in-class multiscreen
members’ linear Pay TV capabilities, OTT integration, and a personalized user
offerings experience. TiVo offers members strong consumer brand
recognition, solid funding and a long track record of support.
3. Virtual Multichannel Video
Programming Distributors MobiTV: MobiTV offers NCTC members an app-based,
(vMVPDs) – Comprehensive IPTV technology solution and provides consumers with a
video offering for members modern experience. The platform replaces a traditional STB
to offer their broadband only with app based ‘middleware’ which can be accessed through
subs as an alternative video connected TVs, on streaming media players from Roku and
option. Apple TV, and on personal computers, tablets, and mobile
phones. It vastly reduces set-top costs.
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