Page 5 - NCTC Member Marketing Kit
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        OVERVIEW                                      BROADBAND SOLUTIONS –

        Bandwidth-intensive                           ACCESS PROGRAM
        applications, new video models,
        and consumer demand for                       NCTC has a long and successful history of negotiating
        connections to everything,                    favorable pricing and terms for technical equipment and
        everywhere compels providers                  services on behalf of our members.
        to invest in their broadband                  Launched in March 2019, Our Broadband Solutions – Access
        networks to meet the current                  Program aims to help our members lower broadband access
        and future customer connectivity              costs and improve capacity, redundancy and quality along
        needs. Today, NCTC’s 750+                     with other key elements associated with broadband services.
        member operators look to                      Under the program, NCTC negotiates master service
        broadband for growth and                      agreements with carriers for NCTC member operators who
        relevancy as they collectively                can elect to opt into the agreements.
        serve 15 million subscribers.
        Member operator networks pass                 NCTC administers the Broadband Solutions – Access
        30 million homes across North                 Program. Our executive team, board of directors and
        America.                                      a member-led advisory committee provide program
        Meeting the ever-increasing
        market bandwidth demands                      MEMBER BENEFITS
        is critical to NCTC members’
        long-term success. And, NCTC                  •  Cost Reduction: NCTC negotiates competitive rates
        is dedicated to helping our you                   on behalf of our hundreds of members, representing
        effectively meet the evolving                     their positions and best interests. Bandwidth costs are
        market needs.                                     lowered.
                                                      •  Reliability: NCTC members receive additional options
                                                          for network redundancy, ensuring service reliability.

                                                      •  Convenience: Instead of working individually with large
                                                          providers to carry traffic, which can pose administrative
                                                          challenges, NCTC members can purchase bandwidth
                                                          through the NCTC master service agreements.

                                                          MEMBER CONTACT:

                                                          Your Assigned Programming Account Manager

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