Page 15 - Peace for your soul _Neat
P. 15
can they know what I've suffered? I laugh
in their faces. He deserves my anger. He
deserves my hate.
I ask God to let His revenge fall upon
him. Finally, he is gone. But wait, where
is the peace? The anger, the pain, and
the bitterness all rage on.
Forgive? It sounds so foreign. Is that
a word I'm supposed to know?
The flesh heals quickly. But my heart
continues to bleed and my soul continues
to weep. Will healing ever come? The
anger eats away at me like a cancer. My
body is sick; my mind is sick. “Help me
Lord! Where is your peace?”
“Forgive. Forgive.”
“I don't want to forgive. He doesn't
deserve forgiveness. Look and see what
he's done. See the pain he caused in my
But my anger does not reach him. It
does not affect him. Like a boomerang it