Page 16 - Peace for your soul _Neat
P. 16

comes  back  to  me,  constantly  fanning
            that flame of rage and lingering hurt.

                Forgive? But he is not even sorry. He
            feels  no  regret.  He  does  not  seek  my
            forgiveness. Hate overwhelms me. Lord,
            it hurts to hate so much.
            Time Goes On
                Time  goes  on.  It  doesn't  heal  the
            memories.  I  bury  the  anger.  I  hide  the
            pain. But like a snake ready to attack, it
            rises to lash out. Its venom poisoning my

                “Lord, forgive me for hanging on to
            this anger that embitters me. It keeps me
            far from you. I miss your closeness.”

                Prayer  is  not  easy  in  the  midst  of
            such hatred and anger.
                Memories  left  me  with  years  of
            nightmares, resentment and bitterness. I
            didn’t know how to get free from all those
            hurtful feelings. I didn’t know how to get
            past the emotional pain and the anger in

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