Page 17 - Peace for your soul _Neat
P. 17
my heart every time something reminded
me of that time in my life. Peace escaped
me and more than anything I wanted a
sense of peace.
Even though we were no longer to-
gether, I was still so aware of the pain
and sadness he had brought into my life.
Someone would say, “Forgive.” As the
anger lingered on, I’d think, “How can you
ever know all I've been through?”
The Search
I searched for peace in churches, at
conferences, in seminars, and by reading
self-help books. Still I found no sense of
peace; only bitterness and resentment
filled my soul.
As time went on, the memories didn’t
heal and the scars on my heart festered.
Years passed as I continued to search for
freedom from these controlling emotions.
I prayed, “Lord, I need your forgive-
ness for hanging onto this anger. Teach