Page 22 - Peace for your soul _Neat
P. 22

Chapter 3

                        Old Feelings

                 ow  often  we  hear  and  are  taught,
                 over and over again, so many great
            truths from God's Word. But all too often
            those  truths  settle  in our minds and  do
            not  drop  down  into  the  depths  of  our
            hearts. Or, it may be, we don’t know how
            to apply them.
                “Get  rid  of  all  bitterness,  rage,
                anger, harsh words, and slander,
                as  well  as  all  types  of  evil  be-
                havior. Instead, be kind to each
                other,  tenderhearted,  forgiving
                one another, just as God through
                Christ has forgiven you.”
                Ephesians 4:31-32 NLT

                I  had  suffered  so  much  pain  and
            bitterness in my heart, because I chose

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