Page 23 - Peace for your soul _Neat
P. 23

not to forgive. Now that I began choosing
            to  forgive  and  putting  it  into  practice,  I
            thought  I  had  conquered the  holding  of
            grudges.  But  feelings  of  unforgiveness
            would again rear its ugly head. I realized
            I  was  still  not  totally  released  from  the
            clutches  and  torment  of  holding  on  to

                Once  again,  I  found  myself  full  of
            resentment and bitterness. I recalled one
            offense  after  another.  Complaints  and
            tears flowed easily – too easily! To say
            the  words,  “I  forgive,”  didn't  make  the
            feelings go away. I would cry out to God,
            “Help me forgive.” I'd say the words and
            think  it  was  done.  But  later,  those  old
            feelings  would  return.  Where  was  the
            permanent inner peace I so wanted?

                Why was this happening? The action
            of continuing to forgive had not yet be-
            come a common response in my heart. I
            would say the words, “I forgive,” but the
            tension was still controlling my body. The

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