Page 19 - Peace for your soul _Neat
P. 19

As this man spoke, I began to gain a
            new understanding of God’s love and His

            Righteous and Good
                I asked myself, “Was I so righteous
            and good that I didn't need forgiveness?”
            The Bible says: “all have sinned and fall
            short of the glory of God” Romans 3:23.
            “The wages of sin is death” Roman 6:23.
            I deserved death for my sins.
                Only  Jesus  lived  a  sinless  life.  He
            deserved to live. How great is His mercy
            and grace; how bountiful His love to take
            my place on that dreadful cross.
                Was I there to ask Jesus for His for-
            giveness,  as  He  was  crucified  for  my
            sins? Was I there to say how sorry I was
            for the pain I caused Him, because of my
            wrong behavior, as His body was tortured
            and His breath left Him? No! He suffered
            on  my  behalf.  Then  God  forgave  me.

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