Page 24 - Peace for your soul _Neat
P. 24
offense was still controlling my mind. As
far as I could tell, by the miserable state I
was in, it was hurting me more than the
one I could not forgive.
Searching the scriptures on ‘forgive-
ness,’ I found one in the section known
as the Lord's Prayer that reads: “Forgive
us our debts, as we also have forgiven
our debtors” Matthew 6:12. In this pass-
age, the word ‘debt’ refers to moral debts
or sins.
The answer is to let God deal with
that person. Jesus did this too:
“When they hurled their insults at
him, he did not retaliate; when he
suffered, he made no threats. In-
stead, he entrusted himself to him
who judges justly.” 1 Peter 2:23
Some people want to retaliate when
they feel they have been wronged, hurt
or offended. For them, forgiving is hard to
do. They feel better if they hold a grudge