Page 18 - Peace for your soul _Neat
P. 18

me to forgive.” My attitude slowly began
            to change, as God worked on my heart.

            A Special Speaker
                One day my eyes caught sight of an
            advertisement for a special speaker com-
            ing to a nearby church. My heart would
            not be still. Something kept prompting me
            to be there. As I listened to this speaker’s
            message, my heart opened to receive the
            answers and peace I sought for – for so
                This  faithful  servant  of  God  spoke
            about  the  wonderful  forgiveness  God
            provided for me through His Son Jesus,
            the Christ. He sacrificed  His life for me
            and for you too.
                “He was pierced for our rebellion,
                       crushed for our sins.
             He was beaten so we could be whole.
                He was whipped so we could be
                    healed.” Isaiah 53:5 NLT

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