Page 512 - Chinese SIlver By Adrien Von Ferscht
P. 512
The rather grand Lock Hing retail establishment at No’s 33-37 Queen’s Road, Central, Hong Kong which clearly
shows that it was a purpose-built emporium very similar in size to Wang Hing & Company which was at No.10
Queen’s Road.
We may assume that Lock Hing was a similar size operation to Wang Hing - an emporium selling all types of
luxury “oriental” goods.
From the illustrated receipts, we know the customer was a Mr Aumuller. This person had Australian citizenship
and returned eventually to live there, but this is a good indication of probably many instances of foreign
residents spending time living and working in Hong Kong at this time. Australia, being in the British
Commonwealth, made it easy for Australians or any Commonwealth citizen to live in Hong Kong.
Image courtesy of Heritage, Dallas, USA; Danny Cheng, Hong Kong; National Museum of Australia Image Library Archive